Rediscovering my passion: Why I’ve been a little quiet lately and what’s next for NFLGirlUK

Rediscovering my passion: Why I’ve been a little quiet lately and what’s next for NFLGirlUK

If you’ve been following NFLGirlUK for a while, you might’ve noticed that things have been a little quiet around here recently. I wanted to take a moment to explain why that’s been the case and share my thoughts about where things are heading moving forward.

When I launched NFLGirlUK almost 10 years ago, it came from a place of pure passion. I had just discovered American football, and I couldn’t wait to share my excitement with all of you. Over the years, this platform has grown in ways I never imagined—from building a community of amazing followers to being a part of podcasts, appearing on Sky Sports, and writing for bars and betting companies. It’s been a wild ride, and I’m so grateful for everything that’s come from it.

But, if I’m being honest, I’ve lost some of that spark lately. What started out as a passion project slowly became more about numbers, opportunities, and metrics—things that, over time, began to weigh on me. I found myself feeling frustrated, comparing my journey to other content creators, and wondering why I wasn’t getting certain opportunities. Somewhere along the way, I forgot why I started in the first place: simply for the love of the game.

So, I’ve taken a step back to reflect and recharge.

One of the things that helped me during this time was learning more about myself through a Human Design report (if you haven’t heard of it, it’s like a roadmap for how you’re designed to work and make decisions). According to my design, I’m a Generator—someone who thrives when they’re doing work that excites them and lights them up. It reminded me that I’m at my best when I follow what brings me joy, not what feels forced or draining.

That’s exactly what I plan to do with NFLGirlUK moving forward.

I’m not here to be a journalist, and I’m not aiming for any big milestones or numbers. I’m here because I genuinely love football, and I want to get back to that pure enjoyment. So, from now on, I’ll be posting when I feel inspired—whether that’s reacting to an exciting game moment, sharing a fun fact, or just talking about something I love. There won’t be a strict schedule, and I won’t be putting pressure on myself to post content just for the sake of it.

My goal is to have fun again, to engage with all of you as fellow fans, and to let this space grow organically, just like it did when I first started. Thank you for sticking with me through the quiet moments, and I’m excited for what’s to come—whatever that may be!

Liz | NFLGirlUK

2 thoughts on “Rediscovering my passion: Why I’ve been a little quiet lately and what’s next for NFLGirlUK

  1. So glad that you are going back to focusing on talking about the game from the perspective of the love of the game again. I followed you at the beginning because i loved your passion for the game and the fact you are a woman talking about it was a really cool perspective that doesn’t get seen enough.

  2. Always loved following you, on various platforms. I enjoy hearing your thoughts and opinions. Looking forward to the new season with you. Take care of you. Jen

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