- by Shona Duthie
There is nothing quite like losing your job in the big smoke, packing up your £700 a month room in a London flat and moving back home to Scotland.
While this may sound quite the horrendous affair for many and it was, I paid £600 for the privilege to move my stuff home, it gave me a good old kick to get my trip going.
I’d planned a three-week road, plane, and bus extravaganza for more than a year and just never got round to clicking that book button.
So one April day I thought if I don’t just book this today, after the few months I’d just had, I never will.

Internet tabs galore would have been quite correct term when finding the correct flights to correspond with the NFL game I’d selected.
Basically my whole journey was being planned around Michigan v Michigan State, ok and Jim Harbaugh, and to see Seattle Seahawks against any opponent at CenturyLink.
Eventually after searching through United Airlines, Virgin and BA I found the perfect flights to fit in with my two games.
Then this is where the other two arrived. While searching on where to stay and at what days etc, I saw I could fit in a quick day trip to Detroit Lions v the Dallas Cowboys before popping on a flight to Boston for five days.
Trust me if I can see a game where Jerry Jones’ team may lose, I am there – although the way this season has gone so far, I may be seeing him ecstatic – or maybe not – please Lions!

My trip ends in Seattle, one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited, this is after a quick ice skating jaunt in NYC and to see the Knicks.
I trolled through what I could do in Seattle for Thanksgiving and the Christmas festivities when I discovered I am in Washington for the Apple Cup – hello.
I may have spent a few dollars on all of these games tickets but it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Getting them was quite simple through the Ticketmaster and Stub Hub ticket exchange.

However, my Seattle tickets came in a different form. After stating on twitter I needed help on where best to sit, a lovely Seattle fan offered me a ticket near her.
Aren’t NFL fans just truly amazing and friendly? Yes, I am nervous but I am also excited to experience this journey on my own.
I am sure I will meet some crazy and incredible people along the way. T-minus one month until I jet off and live like an American for 23 days.
P.S, yes I do plan to turn up at the Big House in a navy jumper, chinos and a navy cap – Harbaugh style.