- by Liz Fox
This morning NFLUK promoted the soon to be released Touchdown magazine, a 100-page NFL guide and season preview aimed at UK fans. It has been written in collaboration with Neil Reynolds who is no doubt the leading journalist/spokesperson when it comes to all things NFL in the UK. Of course, I instantly pre-ordered it and I have since got in touch with the publishers, Newsquest, to find out more.
So, what exactly is Touchdown? Touchdown is a bookazine. I’m told it’ll be perfect bound and glossy like a book but paper like a magazine, part ultimate NFL guide and part 2016 season preview.
Who is it aimed at? It is aimed specifically at UK fans – both casuals who appreciate the general features, positional breakdowns and introduction to the rules, and the hardcore fans who will enjoy the Draft review – plus there are 64 pages devoted to the 32 NFL teams and their chances this year. This I like the sound of!
Is Touchdown magazine a one-off or will we see more regular issues? For now it is a one-off but the intention, given the rapid growth of the sport in Britain and the support the publishers have received from NFL UK along with the early volume of orders, it is likely this will become at the very least an annual publication.
What can readers like me expect? Touchdown features all the major NFL stars from Tom Brady to Cam Newton via Adrian Peterson, Odell Beckham Jnr and JJ Watt. It provides exclusive insight from the majority of these elite players and they discuss the demands of their roles on the field and the development of their teams.
How much is it and where can I get my hands on it? It’s £6.99 then £1.23 for delivery (£8.22 total). I pre-ordered mine directly from Newsquest (www.touchdownmag.co.uk) however you can also purchase it from independent newsagents and WH Smiths from 23 June. A digital version will be released on 7 June via the Boxing News magazine app or as a PDF download.
For those of you who have ordered yours, I hope you enjoy it. I can’t wait for mine to arrive!