- by Liz Fox
The NFL more than ever see the power of Social Media, and back in September they signed a deal with Snapchat to create original content on their network.
The deal allows fans attending games to participate in a global Snapchat story every week and share their first-hand experiences from NFL stadiums with others around the world. As with other Snapchat Live Stories, the move allows fans who are live at the games to post photos and videos documenting their experiences, often providing an “in the stands” and behind-the-scenes feeling not traditionally found when watching the games on television. Similar to other stories the NFL Live Stories feed can be found in the Discover section of the Snapchat app and will exist only for 24 hours following the final game of the week.
“The NFL Live Stories will tell the story of what it’s like to be at an NFL game from many points of view throughout the day – from the grounds crew preparing the field for play, to fans tailgating in the parking lot, to players warming up, to the celebrations of victory on the field and in the stands, to the players heading into the parking lot and closing up the stadium. It’s a great showcase for the excitement of being at an NFL game, and it’s a great second-screen experience to complement live game broadcasts by our TV, digital, and audio partners.” Blake Stuchin, Director, Digital Media Business Development for the NFL.
Snapchat and the NFL originally teamed up to produce a Live Story from April’s NFL Draft in Chicago, something that proved highly successful and was viewed by nearly 15 million fans worldwide.
The NFL and Snapchat will also be delivering weekly programming showcasing each of the 32 NFL teams. As with the other Live Stories, this will also be available worldwide to all Snapchat users during the NFL’s regular season and continuing throughout the postseason and Super Bowl 50.
Although interestingly, only 30 of the 32 NFL teams have their own Snapchat account as to date, Chicago Bears and New York Giants have yet to sign up. To find your team, or if like me, you love to know everything that goes on in the NFL, check out the account names below:
- Arizona Cardinals – SnapAZCARDINALS
- Atlanta Falcons – Falcons
- Baltimore Ravens – bltravens
- Buffalo Bills – billsnfl
- Carolina Panthers – nflpanthers
- Cincinnati Bengals – officialbengals
- Cleveland Browns – OfficialBrowns
- Dallas Cowboys – DallasCowboys
- Denver Broncos – broncosofficial
- Detroit Lions – det-lions
- Green Bay Packers – packers
- Houston Texans – TexansOfficial
- Indianapolis Colts – ColtsOfficial
- Jacksonville Jaguars – Jaguars
- Kansas City Chiefs – OfficialChiefs
- Miami Dolphins – MiamiDolphins
- Minnesota Vikings – vikingsnfl
- New England Patriots – Patriots
- New Orleans Saints – Saints
- New York Jets – OfficialNYJets
- Oakland Raiders – raidersofficial
- Philadelphia Eagles – Eagles
- Pittsburgh Steelers – steelers
- St. Louis Rams – snaptherams
- San Diego Chargers – Chargers
- San Francisco 49ers – officialSF49ers
- Seattle Seahawks – Seahawks
- Tampa Bay Buccaneers – BucsNFL
- Tennessee Titans – nfltitans
- Washington Redskins – RedskinsSnap
After you’ve followed your favourite team (or teams!) on Snapchat, feel free to go and add me – NFLGirlUK.